The underlying mechanism was attributed to the screening of built-in surface electric field by photoexcited carriers, and through the converse piezoelectric effect, the internal strain was reduced. 这个机制认为是表面电场被光机发的电子电洞对屏蔽,经由逆压电效应,内建的应力被降低。
The Measurement of Converse Piezoelectric Effect With the Holographic Double Exposure Means 基于全息二次曝光法的压电陶瓷逆压电效应测定
A micromachined accelerometer with piezoelectric thin film based on the piezoelectric effect is studied. 基于压电薄膜的压电效应,研究压电薄膜微机电加速度传感器。
Based on the converse piezoelectric effect and inchworm principle, a high precise micro displacement actuator by piezoelectric ceramics was presented. 摘要利用压电陶瓷的逆压电效应,基于尺蠖运动原理设计了一种高精度定位的微位移器。
Using the mechanism of the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric materials to design a piezoelectric actuator bar master, and analyze its working principle and design method. 利用压电材料的压电效应机理,设计出一种压电主控作动杆件,分析其工作原理和设计方法。
The evolution of elastic properties is connected with the secondary piezoelectric effect. 弹性变化与次级压电效应是相关的。
The theory of the first direct piezoelectric effect and the secondary converse piezoelectric effect is analyzed and confirmed by experiments. 进行了一次正压电效应、二次逆压电效应的理论分析与实验验证。
The sensor can measure contact pressure and position by utilizing the piezoelectric effect of polymer film. 这种传感器利用高聚物薄膜的压电效应能测量接触压和接触位置,即接触压分布的中心。
Piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric equation and performance parameter of piezoelectric ceramic are introduced. 其主要内容和创新点包括:1、系统地介绍了压电陶瓷的性能参数、压电元件等内容。
Different piezoelectric substrates in cutting orientation of the same crystal have different piezoelectric effect because of its anisotropy. 晶体的压电性能可通过其压电参数来表征,由于压电体的各向异性,同一晶体的不同切型的基片有着不同的压电参数。
In chapter two, the direct and inverse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric ceramic are studied, and the piezoelectric equation of piezoelectric ceramic is deduced. 第二章.分析了压电陶瓷的力学和电学性能,阐述了它的正、逆压电效应,推导了压电陶瓷的压电方程。
A piezoelectric ceramic, based on the converse piezoelectric effect, was used as optical phase modulator to design a fiber differential interferometer. 基于压电陶瓷的逆压电效应,采用压电陶瓷作为光相位调制器设计了光纤微分干涉仪。
While considering the piezoelectric effect, the coupled vibration of piezoelectric ceramic disks was studied, the relation between the radial and axial vibration modes was analyzed. 在考虑压电效应的情况下,本文对压电陶瓷圆片形振子的耦合振动进行了研究,分析了振子的轴向振动与径向振动之间的相互关系,推出了振子耦合振动的等效电路。
The displacement mechanisms of electrostrictive effect, inverse piezoelectric effect and ferroelectric effect are systematically analysed in a microcosmic way, and the results of analyses indicate that the displacement mechanisms of these three effects are totally different; 从微观上系统分析了电致伸缩效应、逆压电效应和铁电效应的位移机理,表明:三种效应的位移机理是根本不同的;
The influence the secondary piezoelectric effect were quantitatively discussed simultaneously. 同时,定量讨论了压电二次效应对感应电量和层合结构中心挠度的影响。
Piezoelectric Effect Induced by DC Bias in PLZT Ceramics 改性PLZT陶瓷偏压压电效应的研究
It describes the piezoelectric effect and the converse piezoelectric effect and also gives out the corresponding mathematical expression. And then it illustrates the principle and the internal structure of piezoelectric ceramics. 对压电效应和逆压电效应、压电陶瓷的工作原理及内部结构进行了详细的描述,并给出了相应数学表达式;
The displacement of piezoelectric ceramic actuators is mainly due to inverse piezoelectric effect and ferroelectric effect; the contribution of electrostrictive effect to the displacement is so little that it can be neglected; 压电陶瓷执行器的位移主要是由逆压电效应、铁电效应所引起的,电致伸缩效应对位移的贡献极其微弱,可以忽略不计;
Piezoelectric Constants Measured from Converse Piezoelectric Effect and Piezoelectric Ceramic Actuators 逆压电效应的压电常数和压电陶瓷微位移驱动器
This paper designed a novel needle selecting device for the electronic jacquard loom utilizing the piezoelectric effect of the ceramics bimorph and elucidated its working principle. 利用压电陶瓷片的压电效应设计了一种新的电子提花机选针装置,并对该装置的提针原理作了介绍。
Using the converse piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric stacks can be used as exciter or vibration isolator. 利用压电材料的逆压电效应,压电堆可用于振动激励,也可用于振动隔离。
We design and fabricate two kinds of piezoelectric micro gyroscopes with PZT thin film as actuating and sensing material at the same time, for PZT film has piezoelectric and reverse piezoelectric effect. 利用压电陶瓷PZT的正反压电效应,将PZT薄膜同时作为驱动及传感材料,设计并制造了两种新颖的以IC兼容技术制作在硅片上的压电薄膜微型陀螺。
According to the various perturbations the influences of the axial strain radial strain and temperature change on the phase difference are discussed. Analyze the structure and principle of fiber voltage sensor that is based on converse piezoelectric effect and the signal acquisition. 针对不同的扰动,重点讨论了轴向应变、径向应变和温度变化对模间相位差的影响,分析了基于逆压电效应的双模光纤电压传感器结构和原理,以及信号的获取。
Strain Distribution and Piezoelectric Effect in GaN/ AlN Quantum Dots GaN/AlN量子点结构中的应变分布和压电效应
In this paper, the drive mechanism of vibrating elements is discussed. The vibration modes and corresponding resonance frequencies of the motor were analyzed by the finite element method ( FEM) in which the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric actuators bonded on the stator is taken into consideration. 阐述了新型马达的工作原理,用有限元法(FEM)分析了马达振动体部分的各阶振动模态和相应的固有频率,分析中计入了压电陶瓷的压电效应对模态和频率的影响。
The voltage transducer in this paper is designed based on the converse piezoelectric effect of quartz, it can measure the voltage through the changes of differential phase which in the dual-mode fiber. 首先,对本课题研究的全光纤电压互感器的基本原理进行了介绍,该互感器是利用石英晶体的逆压电效应,通过测量双模光纤的相位差变化来测得电压的。
Through the finite element method, we calculate the strain distribution of QR, and investigated the strain distribution and piezoelectric effect influence on the optical absorption coefficient. 有限元方法计算量子环中的应变分布情况,研究应变分布、压电效应等对量子环光吸收系数和能量迁移的影响。
From the piezoelectric effect, discussed two different equivalent model and the corresponding equivalent circuit of piezoelectric force sensor. 从压电效应出发,论述了压电式力传感器两种不同的等效模型和对应的等效电路。
Based on the piezoelectric effect and piezoelectric equations, this paper has not only studied the sensing properties of PVDF and the mechanism of structural strain monitoring, but also analyzed its working principle and paste technology, the equivalent measurement circuit. 根据压电材料的压电效应和压电方程,研究了PVDF的传感特性以及结构应变监测的机理。分析了PVDF的工作原理、粘贴工艺、等效测量电路等。
Quartz crystal oscillator is a kind of crystal oscillator which is made based on the piezoelectric effect of crystal. 石英晶振是利用晶体的压电效应制成的一种晶体振荡器。